Monday, July 9, 2012

Nail tutorial: Remove that polish!

I love Pinterest for so many reasons. One of them would be this great way to remove your nail polish. I figured that I would share that with those reading :) This trick only uses one cotton ball and minimal time and effort.

The first step is to take a cotton ball and un-roll it. When the cotton ball is un-rolled it will look like the bottom piece of the photo. The next step is to rip the cotton ball in half. Then it will look like the top piece. The next move is to tear the cotton ball into strips. You will need ten small strips to cover all the nails. 

When you have all ten strips fill the lid of the nail polish remover. Dip the polish into the remover. Make sure that you do not dip the cotton strip in too much. If you get them too wet your whole hand will be soaking with nail polish remover. This is just a little photo of what your nails will look like with the cotton swabs on. If the cotton swabs are too long for the nail I fold it up.

After 2 minutes you can remove the cotton swabs. You can do this with the left over pieces from ripping the strips. You have to apply some force when you are removing the cotton swabs. It will not take all the polish off but it will remove enough. I use the left over piece to remove the left over nail polish. It already has nail polish remover on it so it makes it easier.

I hope that this trick helps. I know I won't be going back to the old way of taking polish off anytime soon. Whoever came up with this idea is a real genius. Someone that all us women should thank!

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